About Us

Background 背景简介

Mom's Best Confinement Resort was established in 2014 by Dato’ Dr. Tan Meng Lee. As a practicing doctor, he always received feedbacks from mothers about their unfortunate encounters with certain confinement ladies and infection issues of their babies at Confinement Centre.

Mom's Best Confinement Home is located in a privately-owned double storey bungalow in Sungai Ara, Penang. This exclusive confinement home is set in a serene, comfortable living environment. It boasts of 4 tastefully decorated bedrooms, as well as a designer garden together with an outdoor leisure area and an indoor recreation area for visiting families. This retreat centre provides first class care for you and your babies. It is the first centre in Penang managed professionally by doctors, nurses and nutritionist, offering new mommies a unique postpartum care which is holistic with an aim to prevent future postpartum complications and illnesses. Healthy cuisine with an aim to revitalize mother’s health and drain off excess fluids retention during pregnancy will be served. You will enjoy the best synergy of Eastern healing and nutritious cuisine, together with Western modern facilities to bring you back to your shape and fitness before pregnancy.

Mom's Best Confinement Resort®. Your Baby's First Home has professional doctors, nurses ,nutritionists and breast feeding specialists to give you and your baby the comfort of home, the excellent health services for you and your babies, delicious and balanced menu to revitalize your health.

最好妈妈陪月中心是由Dato’ Dr. Tan Meng Lee创办于2014年。作为执业医生,他经常从妈妈们的反馈意见得知她们在陪月时期的不幸遭遇,例如陪月保姆的疏忽问题和婴儿在陪月中心受感染的问题。

最好妈妈陪月中心坐落于槟城州Sungai Ara的一间双层独立式洋房。本中心为妈妈们提供了一个宁静又舒适的生活环境,好让妈妈们安心地调理身子,让身子迅速恢复原有状态。这里设有4间装饰典雅及设施俱全的房间,能让每个到本中心坐月子的妈妈高枕无忧。除此之外,这里也为到来探望的家人朋友设立了一个舒适宽敞的户外消遣区以及户内休闲区。最好妈妈陪月中心确保您和您的宝宝得到最上等的的优质护理服务。它是在槟城第一个由专业医生、护士和营养师所管理的陪月中心,提供新妈妈一个独特、专业及全面性的产后调理,以预防产后并发症和疾病,减轻妈妈们一切坐月的烦恼。本中心为妈妈精心特备均衡营养及美味的食物,帮助妈妈恢复元气及排出产前水肿以及身体多余的水分。在这段期间,妈妈们不仅可以享受中西合璧全方位最正确的护理服务和饮食调理,而且还能有效的让产后妈妈恢复孕前身形和体态。


Vision 愿景

To become the gold standard of Confinement Resort in five years time

Mission 服务理念

To provide excellent nursing services to newborn babies, serene and peaceful environment to postnatal mothers, delicious and nutritious traditional & modern cuisine to revitalize mummy’s wellbeing.


Our promise 我们的承诺

We promise to deliver the best affordable services to mothers & babies and always be remembered with fond memories.
